Dear All,

I have been battling with my first deployment (in test) of Evergreen.  It all 
seems to have gone swimmingly until I connect with the Staff Client.  The 
server will test and pass server/version validation but then throws up the 
following error on login:

> Network or server failure.  Please check your Internet connection to 
> and choose Retry Network.  If you need to enter Offline Mode, 
> choose Ignore Errors in this and subsequent dialogues.  If you believe this 
> error is due to a bug in Evergreen and not network problems, please contact 
> your help desk or friendly Evergreen administrators, and give them this 
> information:


> params=[1,-1]


> {"payload":[],"debug":"osrfMethodException :  *** Call to

> [] failed for session

> [1392203617.715091.13922036172019], thread trace [1]:\nException:

> OpenSRF::EX::Session 2014-02-12T11:13:37 OpenSRF::Application

> /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenSRF/ Session Error:

> Call to for method

> \n failed with

> exception: Exception: OpenSRF::EX::Session 2014-02-12T11:13:37

> OpenILS::Application::AppUtils

> /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Application/

> Session Error: 
> router@private.localhost/<mailto:router@private.localhost/>

> CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK!!!\n : \n\n","status":500}


I have been working on the Admin mailing list on this but someone suggested 
that I move here with the following suggestion:

Thanks for all the great info! There's something that looks like it might be 
telling in your router-private.log file. It points to this part of the OpenSRF 
>From the description of that function (emphasis added, that part is where your 
>error is thrown):

The presumption is that the relevant node is dead.  If another node is 
available for the same class, then remove the dead one, create a clone of the 
message to be sent elsewhere, and return a pointer to it.  If there is no other 
node for the same class, send a cancel message back to the sender, remove both 
the node and the class it belongs to, and return NULL.  If we can't even do 
that because the entire class is dead, log a message to that effect and return 

It would appear (to me) that the issue is centered around no 
opensrf@private.localhost<mailto:opensrf@private.localhost> node existing and 
thus, OpenSRF tells you it's not connected. When it comes to Evergreen Admin, 
I'm pretty sharp. But, we're now into OpenSRF territory, and that confuses the 
heck out of me lol. It's probably time to pass the support torch to somebody 

I am deploying Evergreen 2.5.2 and opensrf 2.2.1 to Ubuntu 12.04 Server x64.  
This is a fresh VM running on ESXi.  The only packages deployed, apart from 
lynx web browser, have been packages selected by the Evergreen or opensrf 
utilities during install.

I have so far disabled the UFW (this is a test server so understand not a 
production step), checked the passwords (using the defaults), checked 
permissions to the /openils directory, checked that all services started by the 
opensrf users are starting as they should, checked ejabberd and memcached are 
running, check apache2 is starting without error, connected to the postgresql 
database to verify it is running and finally used the srfsh shell to login, 
successfully, as the user I created during the database install/creation phase. 
 I am a bit stumped as to where else to look.  OpenSRF is not something I am 
familiar with at all and I have nevered used postgre though have admiistreed 
other databases in the past.  I would be very grateful for a nudge in the right 

Thanks in advance


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