A few more questions about scrolling versus paging that popped into my head at 
1am this morning:

1) With paging through a very long result set, it's normal practice to be able 
to jump ahead in the list (to page 5 of 9) instead of clicking through the 
pages one at a time. I haven't seen this type of functionality on other 
scrolling pages where you would keep hitting 'more' - thoughts?

2) Am I right in assuming that grids will be sortable by clicking on column 
headers? How would the sorting behavior differ (if it differs at all) between a 
paged grid or a scrolling grid? Would it sort the entire list or just the 
visible list? (My preference for it would be the entire list.)

Terran McCanna 
PINES Program Manager 
Georgia Public Library Service 
1800 Century Place, Suite 150 
Atlanta, GA 30345 

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