Hello all,

I know that eventually we want to move toward a more fluid DB upgrade model, 
but leaving that plan aside for the moment, I'd like to suggest a new policy 
for maintenance releases.

My sense is that, as Evergreen matures, people are staying on the previous 
version for longer periods, so it is becoming increasingly likely that the 
one-time upgrade moment (e.g. 2.5.3->2.6.0 ) won't be what most people need.  I 
propose that each maintenance release include two scripts instead of just the 
one we do now.  For maintenance releases, we currently generate only an upgrade 
script from minor to minor within the same major release (e.g. 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5 
and 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1).  For completeness, though, we really also need a minor to 
minor upgrade *across* the major releases (e.g. 2.5.5 -> 2.6.1).

Doing this would mean more work for the maintainers, but I think it would be 
worth it, since newest to newest is the most sensible upgrade path at any given 
time.  If we start doing this, I would also suggest that maintenance releases 
be staggered by one week to minimize potential churn (i.e. 2.5.5 should be 
fully settled before we try to make a 2.5.5->2.6.1 script).  The alternative 
would be to make, in this case, a 2.5.4->2.6.1 upgrade, but that would mean the 
cross-version script would always lag behind.

So, this is really two proposals to vote/comment on:

1) Should we add a new maintenance requirement of creating minor-to-minor 
scripts across major versions with every release?
2) Should we stagger maintenance releases by one week, ordered by oldest to 
newest maintained release?  (e.g. 2.5.x first, 2.6.x a week later)


Daniel Wells
Library Programmer/Analyst
Hekman Library, Calvin College

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