On 2019-08-23 7:52 a.m., Bill Erickson wrote:
    I don't think it's safe to assume that browsers are set to the correct
    or desired locale.  In English-speaking Canada, I am guessing that some
    users will have their locale set to en-US rather than en-CA.  This
    result in dates being displayed using MM/DD/YYYY, which is an ambiguous
    format in Canada (DD/MM/YYYY is also used here, so 01/02/2019 could be
    either Jan 2 or Feb 1).

    At Sitka we avoid the ambiguity by using Evergreen's date format
    settings to enforce the use of YYYY-MM-DD.  We would want to be able to
    do that without requiring users to modify their browser or OS locale
    settings, since not all users will have control of those settings.

That's unfortunate.  That doesn't negatively impact user experience in other ways?

Overly locked-down workstations can be an annoyance, but the web client has only really required the ability to allow pop-ups (and optionally install Hatch) and to clear cache/local data if things stop working. As a rule we should try to avoid special requirements for browser configuration.

I am of two minds. A de facto switch to US-style dates would be experienced by our libraries as a regression, and changing the browser locale would likely be a headache for some. But it's also not the end of the world. I don't want to simply kill the proposal if the community sees substantial benefits to it.

It would be good to hear from others, especially non-American/non-en-US Evergreen users.


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