
I have created manual in Czech how to create an Evergreen search widget on
o web page.
As I think more people could be interested in something like that  I am
sending English version of themanual - possibly it  could be included
somewhere into Evergreen docummentation (only I am sure it will be
necessary to correct my possible English mistyping or wording at first


Integrating a search idget to a web page
Simple search box

Example of HTML code:

<form role="search" id="searchForm" method="get" class="searchform"
action="http://your_catalog/eg/opac/results"; accept-charset="UTF-8">
      <label id="searchLabel" for="search"><b>Search the
      <input type="search" value="" name="query" id="search" size="30">

     <input class="searchbutton" type="submit" value="Search" />


Advanced search box

Example of  HTML code:

<form role="search" id="searchForm" method="get" class="searchform"
action="http://your_catalog/eg/opac/results"; accept-charset="UTF-8">
     <label id="searchLabel" for="search"><b>Search the Catalog: </b></label>
     <input type="search" value="" name="query" id="search" size="30">
     <label id="search_qtype_label"><b>Type:</b>
     <select name="qtype" id="qtype"    aria-label="Select query type:">
        <option value='keyword' selected="selected">Keyword</option>
        <option value='title'>Title</option>
        <option value='jtitle'>Journal Title</option>
        <option value='author'>Author</option>
        <option value='subject'>Subject</option>
        <option value='series'>Series</option>
     </label>  &nbsp;&nbsp;

     <label id="search_itype_label"><b>Format: </b>
     <select id='item_type_selector' name='fi:item_type'
aria-label="Select item type:">
       <option value=''>All Formats</option>
       <option value='a'>Books and Journals</option>
       <option value='i'>Nonmusical Sound Recording</option>
       <option value='j'>Musical Sound Recording</option>
       <option value='g'>Video</option>
       </select>  &nbsp;&nbsp;

    <label id="search_locg_label"><b>Library: </b>
    <select aria-label='Select search library'   name='locg'>
            <option value='1' class="org_unit">
                All Libraries
            <option value='2' selected="selected" class="org_unit">
               &nbsp;&nbsp;Central Library
             <option value='10'   class="org_unit">
                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Little Library
          <input class="searchbutton" type="submit" value="SEarch" />


For non English characters it is vital to set the parameter
*in the form (see above).  If the parameter is  not set, records with non
English characters will not be retrieved!
Setting the document type

You can set the document types to be searched  using paremeter  *„option
value=“* in the form. For the value use MARC 21 code defining the type of
record (i.e. Leader, position 06).

For example for musical recording use

<option value='j'>Musical Sound Recording</option>

Setting the Library

You can set the Library to  be searched in using parameter  „option value=“
in the form. For the value use Evergreen database.organization unit ID.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yamil Suarez <ysua...@berklee.edu>
Date: 2016-08-18 18:40 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: Widget for searching Evergreen catalog.
To: cerninak...@jabok.cz
Cc: "d...@evergreen-ils.org" <d...@evergreen-ils.org>


Do you mind sending this again, but to the Documentation mailing list? I
understand if that is a surprising request. I may be the only active DIG
member from the documentation group that get emails from this special email
address (d...@evergreen-ils.org), though other valuable Evergreen community
members get copies of this email to help answers incoming questions.

If you send it to the list, other from the community can learn more about
the challenges about making sure code works with Unicode. We can then
debate right no the mailing list where is the best location put your
information in the official manual.


Does that work for you?



Yamil Suarez, MCS
Library Systems Manager

Stan Getz Library
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02215


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