worked perfectly.!!thanks very much .
going out for lunch .will come back go through it and get back to the way what would i need to do to remove  all pervious data
from it and set it up as  a fresh installation although i am running
it from the vm do i remove all the previous data which is in
it. and how would the performance of this image be like  seeing as  i
am running it from  a vmware image.

On 5/5/09, Jason Etheridge <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Nuku Ameyibor <> wrote:
>> i have another question though
>> hello everyone .i just installed the evergreen debian virtual image .i
>> tried unsueccsusefly to run it on macox but it wasnt working.i now
>> have it  installed and running using  the vmware fusion on my mac. the
>> problem  is that i need a staff client  for staff to be able to use
>> the staff version.the site says that  the virtual image
>> doesnt work with the staff client.does anybody  have any ideas or
>> suggestions about  how i can run this??
> First thing to determine is whether the image is accessible outside of
> itself.  The most recent ones (the VirtualBox ones) definitely are.
> That means you can point an external web browser to the image's OPAC
> and get results.  If this isn't the case, then you may be able to
> reconfigure the image and the virtualization software running the
> image so that it is, or, you could run a staff client from within the
> image.
> Assuming external access is possible, then you could take a stock
> version of the staff client, matching the major release of the EG
> instance on the image (for example, 1.2.x or 1.4.x), and _force_ the
> image to support it by setting up a specific symbolic link.
> For example, let's assume you have a very old vmware image for
> Evergreen, perhaps this:
> "Server, VMWare image, on Ubuntu 7.10"
> And the latest "1.2" staff client available for download is for
>  These will not work with each other out of the box.
> What you can do is install the client, run it, and on the login
> screen, press the "About this client..." button.  On the screen that
> pops up, look for the text following "Target Server ID:".  In this
> case, it is "rel_1_2_4_0".
> So what is needed is for the server to have a directory or a symbolic
> link named rel_1_2_4_0, that happens to point to a directory
> containing remote files for the staff client.  For all of these
> images, you should be able to find what you're needing in the
> directory /openils/var/web/xul/.
> So, in the image, from the command-line (in a terminal window), as the
> Linux user "opensrf", you can enter these commands:
> cd /openils/var/web/xul/
> ls -l
> And look to see what "versions" of the staff client are supported.  In
> this case, there should be a directory named "rel_1_2_1_4".
> What you would need to do this is create a link to rel_1_2_1_4 from
> rel_1_2_4_0.  Do this by entering:
> ln -s rel_1_2_1_4 rel_1_2_4_0
> Then, if you restart your staff client and point it the IP address for
> your server image, it should be supported.
> I think it's likely that future images will come already bundled with
> an appropriate staff client for download, and not require you to
> download a client from the Internet.
> Let me know if this helps!
> --
> Jason Etheridge
>  | VP, Community Support and Advocacy
>  | Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
>  | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>  | email:
>  | web:

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