hello.hopes everyones good. i have a few questions to ask. what is the
safest  and fastest ways to delete users from the system.
the site where is am installing the evergreen library system has  a
students system in place .i can import the users into the system  by
somewhat modifying the project configer scripts
here and there .my problem is with the  passwords .the passwords have
already been converted to md5 in the original system.can i simply
remove the  insert trigger on the actor.usr table and that will
prevent  the passwords from being rehashed?is it that simple or i
would have to change something else . also i was wondering.i saw a
field in the  actor.usr table. photo_url .is this suppposed to be a
link to where  the students picutres  will be stored so they can be
displayed? and if so where are they usually displayed.in the staff
client ,web client where.

another important thing.whenever i want to create books using the mark
editor.i get a defualut template. this template is for  i think
electronic books. i cant make hold when i enter in boks and make
copies of them.i should think this is the cause because you cant make
copies of  electronic items

so my next question is basically ,how  can  i create   my own
templates for books as the default  one is messing  things up.

i also dont get how to use the  mark editor very well. currently we
are testing and we wantt to be able to add books using the mark editor
in the staff client but not in batch format . usage of this editor
isnt difficlt but i i am no expert with the marc editor .i dont know
what combinations would give you what type of books . how to designate
a book as textbook,audio,etc..

waiting for some help urgently,thanks  in advance

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