Any good go live plan will have a fallback option. But apart from that, I'd say that's a whole lotta FUD (or wishful thinking). I've been involved in this KCLS process for over a year and have never heard anything about running parallel systems. The whole point is to make everything easier--especially for staff. And running two systems is not easy.

Once they pull the switch and have it fully in production, I cannot imagine a scenario in which they'd choose to go back. If you heard Bill Ptacek at Evergreen 2010, you'd know how committed they are to this process.

Lori Ayre

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On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:15 PM, Bill Hudson <> wrote:

Greetings all,

We recently had a visit by one of the senior executives of our current ILS vendor. We’ve made it quite clear to them that we are cl osely following the development of the Evergreen system and can defi nitely envision joining an effort to deploy Evergreen statewide in PA.

During the conversation, the exec said that King County plans to run their current ILS (Millennium) in tandem with the Evergreen system they are bringing online in September, AND that it was not a given that King County would deploy Evergreen as their sole ILS in the near term. I wasn’t sure if this was FUD or if King County is (contr ary to what I’d heard) not planning to migrate from their current IL S to Evergreen in the near term.

Can someone on this list provide any additional info as to what King County plans to do? Because they are one of the largest library systems in the country, many of us on the sidelines are watching this situation as a harbinger of how well or poorly the current Evergreen incarnation works for a really big consolidated system .



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Bill Hudson

Deputy Administrator/Manager, Information Technology

Library System of Lancaster County

1866 Colonial Village Lane, Ste. 107

Lancaster, PA  17601

717-207-0500 ext. 1269

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