Hi Yamil,

Wow, that sounds like it would be pretty cool to implement!  I'd
definitely be careful about how your policies were configured, circ
transits and hold requests across the ocean might come off a bit
complicated, heh...

I would worry about latency over such a great distance, wherever your
server isn't, you'd get some slowness.  I'm not sure if it's possible to
get better performance if you had Evergreen servers at either end
talking to a single database server.  Your performance might still
suffer for the Evergreen frontend server that had further to reach the

Still, interesting idea!  Hope you get more feedback from others on this.

-- Ben

On 11/18/2010 01:01 PM, Yamil Suarez wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like some ballpark EG configuration advice from the veterans EG
> users of the list. I am hoping for just a rough idea, and I can provide
> more info on or off the list if necessary about my situation.
> I work for a small U.S. music college library, with 58,000 titles and all
> in one building. We are currently planning to migrate to EG sometime after
> next summer, and we have a rough migration plan from ESI. My college has
> plans to create a small study abroad program with 400 students in Spain.
> This future Spain site will include its own small library. I was just
> asked to figure out what additional needs I  will have to support this
> remote library using our future Evergreen installation. So far I am
> planning, perhaps naively, of taking a consortia approach of having a
> single EG system. For example, the single system should have separate
> circulation rules and catalogers for each country. Does this approach seem
> reasonable to you guys?
> Of the top of your heads, should I stick to the single server I was
> planning to use in the US, or should I plan on getting an additional
> server to live in the US or Spain? In general the US library does not have
> high circulation rates, and that is why ESI recommended only one server
> for a US only library. I also do not expect a lot of circulation activity
> from the library in Spain.
> Thanks in advance,
> Yamil
> P.S. should this be posted to the dev list instead?

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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