Last I looked at the hard due date functionality (and participated in writing some of it, for that matter) there were two modes, a limit and a force set.

The limit would shorten the duration if it would pass that date, the force set would say "regardless, use this date". In the event the date was in the past it would fallback to the normal duration rules.

This is still, however, tied to circulation policies, though a simple SQL command could apply it to every circulation policy in the system.

I do not know what (released) evergreen versions support this at this time.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting Dan Scott <>:

Hi Gordana:

On 8 December 2010 13:55, Gordana Vitez <> wrote:
Hi there,

We're an academic library on Evergreen and we would like one due date for our materials for over the Christmas holidays. We would like to be able to set a due date of Jan 10, 2011 going forward that would override all circ policies.

Is this possible? And if so, could someone point me in the right direction?

I'm not sure if that particular scenario is part of the "hard due
date" funded enhancement: -
might be worth looking into.

As a short-term measure, you could have a SQL UPDATE statement run
every 10 minutes that sets all due dates for items with a check-out
time greater than Dec. 7, 2010 (or whatever) to Jan. 10, 2011.


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