Thanks for the feedback Kevin!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] 
> On Behalf Of Kevin Kierans
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 2:24 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] MassLNC development interests - bookbags
> Hi Kathy,
> Here's some thoughts about bookbags:
> Titles vanish from bookbags when weeded.  This is good when 
> staff is doing a "theme" bookbag, but bad when a patron is 
> keeping a "these are books I've read" list.  Make keeping the 
> titles or not an option.  (maybe "grey out" the titles that 
> are no longer available?)
> An option for patrons to export what they have out on their 
> card right now to a bookbag.  Select the titles to be 
> exported by putting a check box next to each title.  Patron 
> could then choose (1) add to existing bookbag or (2) start a 
> new bag.  (Then the bookbag can be sent to a friend "these 
> are great quilting books I have out right now, you might like 
> to read them too!") (this could also be used for patrons to 
> more easily keep a "books I've read" bookbag.)

When we pulled together these requirements, we refrained from doing anything
with reading history because we knew KCLS had done some work in this area,
and I'm hopeful we'll be able to utilize some of the KCLS work in our own
systems. I think your point about keeping deleted titles is a good one. I
just tested it on our 2.0 test system and found the same behavior that Jason
cited in his e-mail. I'll be interested in seeing if the reading history
treats deleted titles in the same way since it really is important for a
patron to keep that title information in a reading history after the record
has been deleted. I have many other hopes for the reading history and can't
wait to be able to take a look at it. For example, we would also like users
to be able to delete individual titles from their reading history, and I'm
curious to see if that functionality will be available. 

> Comments/annotations for (1) the bookbag as a whole (right 
> now you have to come up with a descriptive name for the bag) 
> and for (2) the individual titles.

I hadn't been thinking about the annotations for the entire bookbag. Thanks
for the suggestion!

> Use bookbags for SDI
>  (I guess you call them "alerts" now)
> In myAccount you set up a profile and Evergreen periodically 
> fills a bookbag for you called "you might want to read these 
> based on the profile(s) in your account."

I would love to see functionality like this in Evergreen, although I don't
know if I would want to see the recommended titles in a bookbag or possibly
in a more prominent location when the user logs into the catalog. It's not
something that MassLNC could take on at this time, but I think it would be a
great asset to the catalog.

> More on the other items later,

Keep the suggestions coming! :-)


> Cheers,
> Kevin
> TNRD Library System (part of Sitka)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] 
> On Behalf Of Kathy Lussier
> Sent: February 18, 2011 13:12
> To: 'Evergreen Discussion Group'
> Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] FW: MassLNC development interests
> My apologies! The URL I sent out had a typo - the corrected 
> URL is below:
> Kathy
> -------------------------------------------------------------

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