On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 10:11:08AM -0400, Gordana Vitez wrote:
> I would vote for an "older versions page" as long as it links to the 
> downloads page...so folks don't have to go searching for it? 

First up, I think I destroyed the links to the older clients when I
updated the downloads page - my bad!

Second - introducing http://evergreen-ils.org/code_museum.php ! Well,
re-introducing, we added it agesssssss ago but it clearly hasn't been
updated for agesssss (just a few less S'es) and while it is linked
from the current downloads page, the link is near the bottom of the page
rather than right beside where you might want it.

If we:

1) Provide links called "older versions" that point to an appropriate
anchor on the code_museum.php page (e.g. for the "older versions" link
under the 2.0 staff client, link to "code_museum.php#client_2_0"; for
the "older versions" link under the 1.6 staff client, link to
"code_museum.php#client_1_6", etc) and provide the appropriate anchor on
the code_museum.php page

2) Roll up change logs from one change log per point release to one
change log that marks each release in reverse chronological order (kinda
like http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads/OpenSRF-ChangeLog-1.6.2 )

... then I think we'll wind up with a much cleaner download page that
also provides convenient links for older versions of software.

All that we need is someone to bring the code_museum.php page up to date
and to fix up the downloads page correspondingly.

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