Hi Karen,

I've moved that link from the main page to the newly created agenda page
for the community meeting that's located here:

Reviewing the mailing lists, I see 12 +1 votes, and an entry has been
created on the calendar page for an Evergreen Community Meeting on
Friday, July 8th.


-- Ben

On 07/06/2011 03:47 PM, Karen Collier wrote:
> Since I won't be able to attend Friday's meeting, I've posted a Documentation 
> Interest Group report on the wiki at 
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=community:meetings:2011-07-08:digreport
> Unfortunately Fridays don't usually work well for me as my part time work 
> week is Monday through Wednesday.  Hopefully the written report will work out 
> okay though.
> Thanks,
> Karen
> ----- "Dan Scott" <d...@coffeecode.net> wrote:
>> According to the minutes of the last Evergreen Community meeting, on
>> April 1 (many thanks to Amy Terlaga for taking minutes at
>> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=community:meetings:2011-04-01),
>> "We will schedule the next meeting for sometime after the April
>> conference. We will do this through the lists."
>> Well, the conference is sufficiently far in the past that we should
>> get that meeting booked. IIRC, we were trying to hit a regular rhythm
>> of the first Friday of each month at 2:00 PM Eastern. That would make
>> this Friday, July 1st the next meeting - which is a bit of a problem
>> for Canadians, as that's a national holiday for us, and I suspect a
>> lot of Americans would be starting an extra-long weekend.
>> So, tentatively, I would like to suggest that we aim for Friday, July
>> 8th at 2:00 PM Eastern for the next Community meeting. If you would
>> like to attend and can make that date/time, please respond with a
>> "+1". If the response is poor, then I'll gladly pass the scheduling
>> hat to somebody else to give it a shot!
>> Dan

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