Circ matchpoint rules without a defined circulation modifier will match *any* circulation modifiers. This is an extension of the more generic rule of "an empty match field in the circ or hold matrix matches anything" - that is, if you don't fill in a field (leaving it NULL in the DB) then it doesn't get used as a limiter.

Thus, if you have more specific rules without circ modifiers your circ modifier based rules will not be consulted.

On a different note, Duration and Fine rules should exist on the Admin->Server Administration menu in the staff client.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting John Morris <>:

Obviously I'm missing some basic assumption about how circ modifiers
work.  Up until now we didn't need them, as we managed to get all of our
policies implemented without them.  But we are just starting to
circulate laptops and they can't be shoehorned in.

So in addition to the default policy the system was initially installed
with I added BTOP-Laptop with the following:

Permission Group: Users
Circulate: Yes
Duration Rule: 7_days_0_renew
Max Fine Rule: overdue_equip_max
Recurring Fine Rule: 10_dollar_per_day (I created this entry in the
database manually, couldn't find an exposed UI for creating new ones)
User Age Lower Bound: 18 years

Then I put this circ modifier on all ten laptops.  So everything should
be good, yet when we tried to circulate one we still got the default two
weeks for the due date. Should it not always apply the circ modifier and
either make it one week or if something is wrong not allow a checkout at

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