John Hudson <gadgetfan.john@...> wrote:

> Any thoughts about why the following is happening? With Evergreen 2.1.0 and 
> staff client 2.1, I'm trying to rename the branches in the example 
> I make the changes in the client, click SAVE, then go to the server and type 
> the following (from the documentation for 1.6 - this doesn't seem to be in 
> docs at all):
> /openils/bin/ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u
> This shows the following:
> /openils/bin/ illegal option -- c
> I then run /etc/init.d/apache2 restart as root and the server restarts but, 
> when I go back into Evergreen, all my changes have reverted to the defaults.

Can no-one help me on this? I did find something that might describe the 
problem at
October/015316.html but, from my minimal knowledge of Perl, the "fix" there 
looked as if it had some missing closing brackets. I wasn't sure exactly what 
I was meant to type, or even if becomes an executable script...

I'd be grateful for any clarification as I'm stuck with the example branches 
at the moment.


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