With the announcement of another Evergreen regional group on the general
mailing list, I'm inspired to nag about some changes we agreed to make to
the primary navigation on evergreen-ils.org in order to clarify some things
and make room for these regional groups to live.  We agreed (several weeks
ago) that the "Communicate" menu should be changed to "Community" and the
items under that menu would include:

*Community *


Mailing Lists

Official Blog

Community Blogs

User Groups (should be call this Regional/User Groups?)



We also made some changes to the items under 'Contribute' as follows:


Develop Code

Report Bugs
Donate to Evergreen

Committees and Working Groups

Request Feature

As I recall, the idea of changing things around this way ended up being a
bit more complicated that one might have first thought (per Ben Shum's
investigation into the issue).  Recognizing that problem, I'd like to hear
what we could do to at least move the idea forward a baby step.

Could we add "User/Regional Groups" to the dropdown menu now labelled
"Communicate" without causing any trouble?

Could we remove the RSCEL link under Quick Links after that?

And then, as possible, could someone identify what it would take to rename
"Communicate" to "Community"?  Maybe some of us can help with the content
moves that will be required.


Lori Bowen Ayre //
Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
Oversight Board & Communications Committee / Evergreen
(707) 763-6869 // lori.a...@galecia.com
Availability:  http://tungle.me/lori.ayre

<lori.a...@galecia.com>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling

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