Hi Lori,

Good point about Launchpad. Fortunately, the original problem was reported publicly back in April and discussed in IRC and other areas at length. This is a link to the existing bug ticket on the subject: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/984963

Notably, that bug ticket doesn't include the word "Syndetics" in the title, but that was because we were trying to be inclusive since when we first made the report, we did not know all the available added content providers currently employed by Evergreen libraries or what scope we were aiming for.

-- Ben

On 05/10/2012 01:25 PM, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
Huzzah!  Sounds exciting!

But one thing...shouldn't the Launchpad entry as well as a "Bug" be entered NOW so that everyone who doesn't see this email stands a better chance of knowing this work is in the works? Even a skeletel entry in Launchpad would be good. That's what I believe should happen (and that is what I've been telling the new developers I work with to do).

We also talked about putting development initiatives and RFPs in one area so people could see what twinkles were in other library's eyes. The only place I found for such a thing was


But the above link appears to contain primarily things the developers put there for the GSOC project. And some of it is very old. I'm wondering if we need to

a) update that page
b) make it less buried (i.e. a link off that same Community menu item we are going to have? or should be under the Contribute menu?)



On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Suzannah Lipscomb <slipsc...@esilibrary.com <mailto:slipsc...@esilibrary.com>> wrote:

    Bibliomation, Inc <http://biblio.org/>., Connecticut's largest
    library consortium, is sponsoring the integration of Syndetic
    Solutions <http://www.bowker.com/en-US/products/syndetics/> by
    Bowker with Template Toolkit OPAC (TPAC) in Evergreen
    <http://open-ils.org/>. Equinox <http://esilibrary.com/esi/>
    developers will be writing the code for this project.  TPAC will
    be able to support cover images, reviews, summaries, table of
contents, excerpts, and author notes from Syndetic Solutions. Once the code is written, it will be submitted on launchpad
    <https://launchpad.net/evergreen>, where another developer will
    need to review and approve it.  Once the code is signed off on by
    another developer, then it can be submitted for inclusion in the
    next major release of Evergreen.  For more information, contact
    Amy Terlaga at Bibliomation / terl...@biblio.org


-- Suzannah Lipscomb
    Project Manager
    Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
    email:slipsc...@esilibrary.com  <mailto:slipsc...@esilibrary.com>
    direct:770-709-5590  <tel:770-709-5590>  or 877-OPEN-ILS
web:www.esilibrary.com <http://www.esilibrary.com>

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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