Hi All,
I wanted you to know that I've been trying to facilitate the development of
additional resources and somewhat reorganized resources for the new
developers in our community.  As such, some of these new developers have
contributed things that they say would be useful for them.  These
suggestions are being added to  a New Developer Wish List page on the wiki
( http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:new_developer_wishlist).

I've just modified the page to include references to some of the existing
resources we will need to build upon and/or modify and I'm also adding
links to new stuff that gets created as part of this initiative.  So far,
the big contribution comes from Thomas Berezansky who drafted the Evergreen
Developer Overview (
http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=eg_developer_overview).  Your
feedback is requested.

Just to help people find this info while we are developing it, I also added
a reference to the Developer Wish List page on the Contributing Code page (

I wanted everyone to know about these changes and to invite you to comment
on anything I've done.

Lori Ayre

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