There is an incorrect label in the Basic Item Type search filter list
PINES would like to change. Electronic Resources is used in the Basic


However, that is not really a choice in the MARC Type codes (see or  If you switch to
Advanced, Electronic Resources becomes what it should be in Basic -
Computer file:



The codes for MARC Type, which this field appears to index from, do not
include "electronic resources". Current cataloging practice for electronic
resources is to code for the most significant aspect of the resource. For
example, if a textual resource, the record will be coded a for language
material; if it is an e-audio, it will be coded I or j. As a result,
e-book or e-audio titles will not likely be coded m for computer files and
will therefore not retrieve in a search filter for Electronic Resources. 


Having electronic resources as a filter label here is misleading and PINES
would like to change the label if at all possible. We would like to know
if it is just a simple label change somewhere in the code we can make, or
if it is a bug we need to report? 



Elaine Hardy


J. Elaine Hardy
PINES Bibliographic Projects & Metadata Manager
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Ste 150
Atlanta, Ga. 30345-4304

404.235-7201, fax



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