Hi All,

We've talked about finding a place to put data extraction scripts for the
various ILSs and I don't think we decided anything yet.  Can we upload zip
files to the wiki?  I ask because what I have here is a zip file
that contains three files that can be used for extracting data from your
Symphony system.

I've attached the files to this message with a trailing Z to the file name.
So rename the files you are going to use by removing that z on the
extension first.  Did they come through?

You can get the files from here (I hope):

Instructions for using the files in that in the Dropbox Folder and are also

If you can use these now, great!  For the future, where do others think we
should keep things like this????  Dropbox doesn't seem like the ideal
method but I couldn't figure out a better way and at least that way I can
make sure they remain secure.

Your suggestions welcome!


Instructions for Using the Scripts:

Scripts for both Windows server and Unix servers included. You need command
line access to either the Windows box or the Unix machine.

You MUST be logged in as the "sirsi" user (called sirsi). On Windows, I
think you can do this as Administrator also? Do NOT run it as root (unless
you use an "su - sirsi")

On Windows - put the 3 scripts, extract_all.bat and extract_all.sh,
joinflatbib.pl onto the server and run the extract_all.bat file.

On Unix - just run extract_all.sh (make sure it is executable, 755) and
make sure joinflatbib.pl is there and executable.

Here’s what the script does:

1.      Creates a directory /sirsi/Unicorn/WebCat/Tmpdocs/Data to put the
data in.

2.      Dumps out the bib data in flat format (text) with holdings, one
file for each bibliographic format in Unicorn (that is, BOOK, SERIAL, VM

3.      Then does the same again but this time in ISO2709 MARC21.

4.      Gets the catalog keys of the shadowed titles/items in Unicorn in
case you want to hide these items from the public in the new ILS.

5.      Extracts the authority records in ISO2709 MARC (again, one file
for each format, TOPIC, PERSONAL, CORPORATE etc.)

6.      Dumps the users/borrowers in a flat format.

7.      Charges (issues, loans, whatever you want to call them!) and
the holds in flat format.

8.      After that, there is a whole load of reports with statistics (for
only) and a dump of the library's policies (item locations, borrower
categories etc.).

9.      Then, all the acquisitions stuff comes out (vendors, funds, etc)

Finally, it tars and zips all the data up so that you can easily
transport it off the server to work with it on the new system.

 There aren't any fines/bills in that script. You can get those if you
want by adding:

# Get the Bills

selbill 2> selbillflat.log | dumpflatbill > flatbill.txt

Lori Bowen Ayre //
Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
Oversight Board & Communications Committee / Evergreen
(707) 763-6869 // lori.a...@galecia.com
Availability:  http://tungle.me/lori.ayre

<lori.a...@galecia.com>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling

Attachment: extract_all.batz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: extract_all.shz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: joinflatbib.plz
Description: Binary data

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