For whatever it's worth, based on Dan's advice a couple years ago, our libraries also use the Dymo 450 for spine label printing. We ran Evergreen 2.0 from 2.0.1 through 2.0.10-ish before we upgraded to 2.2 and beyond. As Dan notes, those printer setting options do exist in 2.0.

So, safe to say that model works with Evergreen 2.0.

-- Ben

On 08/07/2012 06:39 PM, Dan Scott wrote:
On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 03:34:10PM -0700, Christine Campbell wrote:
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Dan Scott <> wrote:

On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 02:40:20PM -0700, Christine Campbell wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I should have also specified that I'm looking for information about spine
label printing in particular.
So, to reiterate, yes we are printing _spine_ labels successfully on Dymo
450's (and 330's) with the stock Evergreen software, and have been since
we migrated to Evergreen in 2009.

I can also state that we have the ability to modify the font family,
font weight, font size, etc, through the Library Settings Editor, with a
small caveat that it seems as though a setting at the Consortial context
currently overrides any settings at child systems or branches (which is
counter to how it is supposed to work, so quite possibly a bug there).

We are running on the 2.3 release branch of Evergreen as of Sunday,
although prior to that we were running on the 2.1 branch, and the same
functionality was present there.

Thanks so much, Dan. Your experiences seem likely to save the rest of us a
lot of experimenting.
No problem, Christine. I should also note in reply to one of your other
messages that we were originally on something close to 1.6 (before 1.6
was actually released), so I can confirm that the Dymos worked there,
too. I believe that the library settings for font family, size, etc were
introduced in the 2.0 release, so hopefully you'll find them there.

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