Hi Erik,

I think what Thomas was trying to say in his reply is that you need to grant the associated user permission to the staff patron group you're setting up.

So for example, 'group_application.user.patron' is the name of the 'application_perm' for the default 'Patrons' group. So that means you have to give 'group_application.user.patron' as a permission to the Volunteer staff group you're creating to allow them to edit patrons associated with the 'Patrons' group. If you have any other groups they need to be able to edit, you'd need to check the application_perm for those other groups.

We use this extensively in our consortium with additional custom application_perms to restrict editing between various staff groups, etc.

-- Ben

On 08/17/2012 03:02 PM, Thomas Berezansky wrote:
Each permission group has a permission assigned to it that you would need to grant for people to be able to edit those patrons. You can see what is assigned by looking at the permission/profile groups themselves.

MVLC has a "patron" group, for example, that we assign "patron staff members" to. Only our central site staff can edit that group, ensuring that desk staff and volunteers don't change the passwords of other staff members.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting Erik Stevens <technol...@haineslibrary.org>:

Hi Evergreen Community,

I have a noobish question/problem about permissions that I'm sure has an
easy answer:

We have a Volunteer login for the staff client that is limited in its
permissions. One thing it currently cannot do is edit patron info using the
Edit tab in the patron record pages.

We are trying to allow this account to save edits to patron records but I cannot seem to make this work (the save buttons are disabled). I have tried
giving the account the CREATE_USER and UPDATE_USER permissions, with the
editing permission level set to staff or patron-level (and then running
autogen), but this doesn't do it. The volunteer account can only save
changes to its own patron record, not anyone else's.

What am I missing here? What has to be enabled to allow saving changes to
other patron records? We are running Evergreen 2.1.

Many Thanks,

Erik Stevens
Technology Coordinator
Haines Borough Public Library

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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