I've got a couple of laptops sitting around running Lion and Mountain Lion respectively. I've built my own client several times before but fumbled around with it each time since I've never documented it well or automated any part of it. I'd be willing to work with others on improving documentation and helping with packages for OS X users. It might be a fair bit of work up front but in the long term I think we could make it pretty painless.

Quoting Tony Bandy <to...@ohionet.org>:

Hi all,

I've got an OSX iMac to help volunteer with!  I can't say I'm a OSX guru,
but really good at following instructions!  If anyone wants to work with
me, I could probably devote some hours to helping out, at least testing,
etc.  I think I've got Xcode (?) installed somewhere on my iMac....


Tony Bandy
1500 West Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH  43221-3975
1-800-686-8975 x19

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Galen Charlton <g...@esilibrary.com> wrote:


On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich
<alexey.la...@mnsu.edu> wrote:
> What is the reason for lack of "official" releases of staff client
software for Mac OS (and Linux)?  Is it strategy, because there is no need,
or like with some other things, not enough volunteers?

I don't think it's a strategy per se, just more a lack of volunteers.
If somebody were to step forward and volunteer to package OS X clients
as part of the release-cutting process, I think that would be welcomed
with open arms.  Even better would be if somebody could submit a patch
to automate building them.  Triple-word-score if it could be done
without requiring an OS X box.

Similiarly, if somebody were to step up and get involved in packing
the Linux clients for various distributions, that would be great.  The
technical bar is lower, as Thomas' good work with the staff client
autoupdate mechanism means that it's become quite easy to build Linux
clients; at this point the main question is whether somebody is up to
maintaining and testing .deb or ..rpm.


Galen Charlton
Director of Implementation
Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
email:  g...@esilibrary.com
direct: +1 770-709-5581
cell:   +1 404-984-4366
skype:  gmcharlt
web:    http://www.esilibrary.com/
Supporting Koha and Evergreen: http://koha-community.org &

Rogan Hamby
Manager Rock Hill Library & Reference Services
York County Library System

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark
to read." - Groucho Marx

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