On 09/26/2012 01:54 PM, Mary Llewellyn wrote:
Hi all,

I'm preparing to (re)train a library in using serials, and I've run across
something I don't remember from a previous release. I can't seem to save a
distribution without assigning a Receive Unit Template. One of our libraries
never circulates issues and doesn't want to create items. Should we be able
to create a distribution without the template? Or must we assign a template
anyway and just not check the box to create items at checkin? Have I found a
bug or a feature?

Hi Mary,

The Receive Unit Template field indeed should not be required. It became required in 2.1, but experimentation is telling me that it does not need to be, and that copy-less receiving does work fine without a value there.

Good find! A minor patch should fix this, so I will create a bug report on Launchpad and provide a patch there.

Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
 | Software Developer
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  lebbe...@esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com

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