Just some guesses that might be problem areas between upgrades... 

1) Perhaps you need to use a more up to date opensrf.xml configuration file. 
Since acquisitions was "new" in 2.0 vs. 1.6, it's possible that not using the 
more updated file might mean you're missing key config options that were added 
between versions. I would carefully check over your existing one and the sample 
opensrf.xml.example file that comes with the latest 2.0 and note discrepancies. 

2) it may be apache related and you should check to make sure that you are 
using the eg_vhost.conf config file for the right version of Evergreen. This 
too may have changed between versions. 

In any case, make a backup of your existing config files so that you don't lose 
any local changes.

There may be additional helpful information in your server logs. Either apache 
errors or osrferror ones. Do you have access to or see anything odd in your 
server's logs? That might identify exactly what is causing the internal server 

Feel free to ask any specific questions via the lists. IRC will probably be 
quiet outside of 9 am through 5 pm EST as most participants are in the USA.

I wish you luck during your upgrade process and encourage you to find your way 
to even more current versions of Evergreen as 2.2 and 2.3 series are the only 
ones actively supported by the Evergreen Community for development presently.

-- Ben

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

Jayaraj JR <jaya...@iisertvm.ac.in> wrote:

>Dear Sir,
>We ( IISER Thiruvananthapuram ) are on the way from Evergreen version 
>to 2.2. We have successfully updated upto version After that we 
>continued the upgrading process. But in version 2.0.10, many features in the 
>Acquisition module is not working. It shows an error message'
>An Internal Server Error has Occured'. How can we rectify the problem ? Kindly 
>help us
>Thanking You in Advance
>With Best Regards,
>Jayaraj J. R.
>Library Information Assistant

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