This is very exciting!  Can't wait to see it and buy one for all my friends!


Lori Bowen Ayre //
Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
(707) 763-6869 //

<>Specializing in open source software solutions,
RFID, filtering,
workflow optimization, and materials handling

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Dan Scott <> wrote:

> As you might have gathered from a couple of mentions on other threads,
> various social media sites[1], an article in the Linux Weekly News, and
> the Evergreen blog[2], we[3] went to Google last week and wrote a book.
> "Yeah yeah yeah, enough rambling," I can hear you say, "where's the
> book?"
> Right. We're just polishing up a few last bits[4] before we publish it
> publicly... our goal is to make paid and free versions available, with
> all proceeds from the paid versions going to the Evergreen project, and
> we hope to have everything ready by the end of the week.[5]
> So stay tuned - we'll have an update for you soon!
> 1. /
> 2.
> 3. "We" are Lindsay Stratton, Robert Soulliere, Kathy Lussier, Jim
>    Keenan, Dan Scott
> 4. Like adding the authors' names somewhere, and fixing some
>    formatting glitches...
> 5. Just in time for certain holidays!

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