On 2013-01-04, at 08:47 , Jason Stephenson <jstephen...@mvlc.org> wrote:

> Quoting Justin Hopkins <jus...@mobiusconsortium.org>:
>> Why are we so focused on the numbering scheme? I don't think the time
>> spent worrying about what number we are on does anything to improve
>> the project.
> I pretty much agree with you. However, version numbers are important to end 
> users and system administrators because it gives them some notion of what 
> features are in a given release. And they can use the compatibility matrix on 
> http://www.open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=versioning to see what other 
> software they need. (Granted that matrix is missing 2.3 at the moment.)

Yes. For us and our users version numbers are useful shortcuts, e.g., for 
discussing feature availability and for upgrade schedule. 

Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Intergrator

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