Why not have the confirmation appear inline, next to the link? (It could
fade away after several seconds.) This is a fairly common pattern in web
apps, though less common in desktop applications. The advantage is that it
would provide confirmation without requiring an additional mouseclick.

Benjamin Kalish
Forbes Library / 413-587-1012 / bkal...@forbeslibrary.org

Currently reading: *The Language Instinct *by Steven Pinker
Just Finished: *Reading the forested landscape : a natural history of New
England *by Tom Wessels

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:        Opinions needed on copying patron data to the clipboard
> Date:   Thu, 25 Jul 2013 16:36:59 -0400
> From:   Kathy Lussier <kluss...@masslnc.org>
> To:     Evergreen General Discussion List
> <open-ils-general@list.georgialibraries.org>
> Hi all,
> I'm seeking opinions on a change that was made in 2.4 when copying
> information from the patron editor to the clipboard. Prior to 2.4, when
> a user clicked on a link in the patron summary, they would receive an
> alert confirming that the data had been copied to the clipboard (see
> attached image).
> The alert was removed in 2.4 and a bug has been filed on the issue -
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1192189.
> There are pros and cons to removing the confirmation message.
> The pros of removing the message are that it conforms with wider user
> interface standards. Basically, you don't receive this kind of
> confirmation when copying data using CTRL-C or a shortcut menu. The
> message can also be seen as an annoyance as it requires an additional
> click.
> On the con side, it can be somewhat disconcerting to click on that link
> and not receive a confirmation, leading the user to wonder if the data
> was really copied. It's uncommon in other software to use underlined
> text for copying data, and the confirmation message provides a visual
> cue as to the action that was just taken.
> Although I filed the original bug report, I have to say I'm on the fence
> with this issue. However, I do think it's important that the end users
> who are using the patron editor on a daily basis provide some feedback
> on this feature.
> Since I filed the bug, three more people have shown support for
> restoring the confirmation message. However, if there are people who
> were happy to see that the message went away, I don't think we would
> have heard from them in Launchpad because they wouldn't have bothered to
> take the time to determine if a bug were filed.
> I thought it would be best to do an informal poll of the community
> through the general list to see if there is interest in restoring the
> confirmation message or if people are happy with its removal. I'm hoping
> we can get a feel of the general consensus through an e-mail thread
> rather than setting up a formal poll.
> Let me know what you think!
> Kathy
> --
> Kathy Lussier
> Project Coordinator
> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
> (508) 343-0128
> kluss...@masslnc.org
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
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> End of Open-ils-general Digest, Vol 89, Issue 7
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