Hi All,

The staff client prototype project [1] is now officially under way.  To
recap, the purpose of the project is to solidify a technical path for
building a browser-based staff client and maybe get some working code to

I've posted brief technical specifications here:


Your input is appreciated.

As part of the development, I'm planning to produce a blog of sorts.  I
prefer asciidoc + git to an actual blog, so for now I'm keeping the log in
the repository as web-staff-log.txt.  I'll keep an HTML version updated on
my dev server at http://bill-dev2.esilibrary.com/~berick/web-staff-log.html --
or I can put it elsewhere.  I'm open to suggestions.

The goal of the log is to highlight areas that need more attention, places
where I have questions, or coding practices that may be new to us.  I take
requests.  I'm hoping conversations about log entries (or the tech specs)
can happen here on the lists, instead of tucked away in blog comments.

As a preview, the first log entry discusses the template layout and Apache
configuration, for which there is room for improvement.  The 3rd log entry
covers installing and running the code.


As a result of eagerness on my part and a desire to maintain momentum, I've
already produced a good bit of code based on the structure described in the
tech specs.  Admittedly, I'm putting the cart before the horse, but I
believe the path is a good one and the project is small enough that core
architectural changes are still easily applied.

In some cases, I've gone well beyond the scope of the proposal to do some
experimentation.  (For example, most the UIs have nascent column pickers).
 Some of those will need to be stabilized and other stuff will need to be
cleaned up as well before it's all done.  Just a friendly warning to any
early testers / code reviewers.

The code lives at

Finally, my public dev server will be hosting an up to date version of the
code, running the concerto dataset.  I won't guarantee 100% uptime, but it
should generally be available.



All of the usual concerto user logins are there.  Admin user is admin /



[2] http://getbootstrap.com/
Bill Erickson
| Senior Software Developer
| phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email: ber...@esilibrary.com
| web: http://esilibrary.com
| Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts

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