Okay, I got good thoughts and suggestions for my Hard Due date issue but
when I tried to delete and add a new Hard Due date to start over, I started
to get a message that starts with a "no match points" message and goes on
to the below message:

Network or server failure.  Please check your Internet connection to
evergreen-dev.asburyseminary.edu and choose Retry Network.  If you need to
enter Offline Mode, choose Ignore Errors in this and subsequent dialogs.
 If you believe this error is due to a bug in Evergreen and not network
problems, please contact your help desk or friendly Evergreen
administrators, and give them this information:
{"payload":[],"debug":"osrfMethodException :  *** Call to
[open-ils.circ.checkout.full.override] failed for session
[1400676484.461296.140067648415801], thread trace [1]:\nCan't call method
\"duration_rule\" on an undefined value at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/OpenILS/Application/Circ/Circulate.pm line

I don't know it someone else made a change in our system or if what I was
trying to do caused this error. The book I am trying to check out gives
that same message for every type of patron. I was only working with a
policy for one type of patron....so wise ones, any insight.

*We were able to add a duration rule of "default" and leave the hard due
date actively in a field also but now we get the message of "no match
points" and then "There was a network failure."*

The consistent issue here is "no match points". I have checked everywhere I
can, making sure the default circulation policy has an entry for things
like duration rule and max fines but something is not matching...

Can anyone help? Fishing around all day is not getting it done.

Janice Huber
Information Commons Manager
204 N Lexington Ave
Wilmore, KY 40390

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