Hi all,

The Evergreen web team has set up a page where people can post information about upcoming development projects that their organizations are planning to sponsor. The page will also provide a place where organizations can post projects that require more development partners. The page is available at http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen_features:proposed_development_projects.

The idea is that this page will give community members a way to share information about projects that they are actively seeking to fund. Although Launchpad is used to track upcoming development, this page will be for projects that have not yet proceeded far enough along in the planning process for a developer to submit specs or code to Launchpad.

We are inviting community members to add the following development projects to the proposed development projects page:

- Projects for which you are actively seeking funding partners
- Projects for which your organization is currently seeking quotes.

The projects should be removed from the page when the project has reached the point where it has been submitted to Launchpad or when the organization is no longer planning to sponsor the project. Grace Dunbar and I have taken responsibility for maintaining the page to ensure old content does not linger.

At this time, the page is highlighting some MassLNC projects for which we are hoping to find development partners (I'll be e-mailing the list with more info on those projects later this week). However, I know some other projects will be added to the page over the next few days. If your organization is actively seeking quotes or needs partners to fund a development project, feel free to add the details to the wiki.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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