We have one that lets the user choose between searching our website or the
library catalog. It was pretty easy to set up, and would be easier if you
didn't give folks the choice to search the website. We made it very simple
by making it always do a keyword search and always search our scope. We
then provided a link called "advanced search" for folks that wanted more
options. You can see it at http://forbeslibrary.org/

Benjamin Kalish
Forbes Library / 413-587-1012 / bkal...@forbeslibrary.org

Mark Your Calendar - Valley Gives Day - 12/10/14

Currently reading: *The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America
Is Tearing Us Apart* by Bill Bishop and *1Q84 *by Haruki Murakami
Just Finished: *2001: A Space Odyssey *by Arthur C. Clarke

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Walz, Jennifer <jlw...@asbury.edu> wrote:

>  All –
> Has anyone created a “widget” or a separate mini search box for their
> catalog on any of their web pages?   Is there standard widget code
> someplace?   Could someone send me some examples?
> Something like this which we used on our Libguides for our old catalog:
> We used a search form with html for the above:
> <form action="
> http://libcat.asburyseminary.edu/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/0/0/57/5/?user_id=ACWEB";
> method="post" name="searchform" target="_blank">
> <input name="user_id" type="hidden" value="userid" /> <input
> name="password" type="hidden" value="password" />
> <input name="library" type="hidden" value="ALL" />
> <input name="sort_by" type="hidden" value="ANY" />
> <input name="relevance" type="hidden" value="off" />
> <b><font size="3">Find Books:</font></b><br />&nbsp; <label
> for="searchdata1">
> <input id="searchdata1" maxlength="255" name="searchdata1" size="15"
> type="text" /> </label>
> <label for="srchfield1"> <select id="srchfield1" name="srchfield1">
> <option value="GENERAL^SUBJECT^^^words or phrase">Keyword</option><option
> value="AU^AUTHOR^^Author Processing^author">Author</option>
> <option value="TI^TITLE^^Title Processing^title">Title</option>
> <option value="SU^SUBJECT^^^subject">Subject</option>
> <option value="SER^SERIES^^Title Processing^series">Series</option>
> <option value="PER^PERTITLE^^Title Processing^periodical title">Periodical
> Title</option> </select> </label>
> <input class="searchbutton" type="submit" value="Search" /><br />
> <b><font size="3">Library:&nbsp;</font></b> <select name="library">
> <option value="ALL">ALL</option><option selected="selected"
> value="AC">Kinlaw Library</option>
> <option value="KENTUCKY">KY Libraries</option><option value="ATS">Seminary
> Libraries</option>
> <option value="FLORIDA">FL Libraries</option> </select></form>
>   Anyone have any ideas / suggestions / thoughts for how to make this work
> for Evergreen?   Or is there code out there that is better / nicer /
> cleaner?
> Thanks!
> Jennifer
> --------------------------------------------------
> Jennifer Walz, MLS - Head ILS Guru
> Kinlaw Library -  *Asbury University*
> One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
> 859-858-3511 ext. 2269
> jlw...@asbury.edu

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