Hello, Jennifer.

On 2015-01-07, at 13:20 , Walz, Jennifer <jlw...@asbury.edu> wrote:

>   So, I am new to how Evergreen does the overdue notices and I think I 
> understand a little bit how the action triggers work.   Question is, how do I 
> set up the trigger to repeat the notice every other day??   I want notices to 
> go out the first day an item is overdue and then two days later and so forth. 
>  Is that possible?  If so, what do I change in the settings?   Or will 
> notices just repeat every day an item is overdue?     That is ok too, but I 
> would prefer not.

Most likely, you would want to create separate action triggers for different 
notice intervals. 1-day and 3-day overdue notices would be separate action 

There exists a new feature of repeatability delay for action triggers. It was 
intended to address the issue of not being able to repeat patron card 
expiration notices. I personally have not experimented with using the 
repeatability delay for any types of triggers other than the patron card 
expiration. It required some polishing to get working. (Section 2.2.7 on 

>   And what about fines?   We would like to set up fine notices.   I am not 
> sure what settings to put into place for that.   Anyone have any templates to 
> share or something?   Is there some kind of standard settings for this?  

Maybe there is another place where this information is available in 
documentation, but if you haven’t seen it, take a look at sections 2.4.6-2.4.8 
of Evergreen 2.5 release notes: 
 Perhaps those release notes could help with what you’re trying to get 

Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Integrator - PALS

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