
Last week at the 2015 Evergreen conference I gave a lightning talk
presentation on how easy is to get started with using the Evergreen
IRC. Which is used by the community to collaborate and answer each
others questions.

Here is a longer version of the presentation with more information…


In this presentation I postulate that if you…

1) have ever sent a text message

2) have a web browser

… you can pull off giving IRC a try for yourself.

This will be an hour long session for newcomers to practice using IRC
to be held on Thursday, May 21 @ 2PM EST. This will be a designated
practice time, so no one feels like they are interrupting others.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I can schedule another practice session in June if there is
enough interest, if you cannot attend the first one. Just email me to
let me know.

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