Thank you, Jason!

I have actually come across this bug as well but it seems that it has already been fixed (or at least this is my understanding of information from Launchpad) - we are currently using Evergreen 2.8.2...

And you hit the nail on the head - we also usually search other sources and so it took quite some time to discover the problem...


On 08/19/2015 03:20 PM, Jason Stephenson wrote:
Hello, Linda!

I cannot speak to your exact problem, but I have noticed similar issues
when searching z39.50 in general, particularly when searching other
Evergreen systems. (We don't search our own via Z39.50 except for the
occasional test.)

I can tell you that Evergreen's Z39.50 ends up going through SRU
(Simple Retrieval by URL). There has been a recent bug fix for
Evergreen's SRU and double encoding of characters:

I just thought that I would share that information, in case you were
not aware of it.

Hope that helps,

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