Hello Everyone,

I just recently upgraded our test server (slated for promotion to Production 
once the kinks are worked out) from 2.8.1 to 2.8.3 and now none of the book 
cover images are loading. Has anyone run into this or know what I need to 
change to get them back? I copied over our Novelist SetEnv information from the 
old configuration file and this appears to be the only thing that broke with 
the 2.8.3 upgrade.

Only clue I can see so far in the logs is the following line:

Evergreen gateway: [perl:error] [pid 30041] [172.xx.xx.xxx:54675] Can't call 
method "use" on unblessed reference at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2/OpenILS/WWW/AddedContent.pm line 67

Thanks in advance.

Jesse McCarty
City of Burlington
IT Technical Assistant

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