We are beginning our third year using the Acquisitions module of Evergreen and 
are learning more about it each year.

That being said, we do have a question regarding the Funds list.  Wherever 
there is the option to look at the list of funds (like in a purchase order), 
all of the 2014 funds and all of the 2015 funds show up - not necessarily in 
any discernable order. Since we can't roll over any of the monies to the new 
year we have been creating new funding sources, but the list is getting to be 
too long.  Does anyone know how to filter or hide the old funds so they don't 
show up as options anymore?  If need be, we could even delete the 2014 funds 
and just keep the 2015 funds as needed.  As time goes by, I see a huge, 
unmanageable list if we aren't able to fix this soon.

Maybe others deal with the funds in a different way. We would be happy to hear 
about how that works too.

Thank you for any help!

Janet Brown
SysAdmin/Circ Supervisor

Burlington Public Library
820 E Washington Ave
Burlington WA  98233

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