Bug Squashing Day provides dedicated time when people in the community can
help with bug wrangling activities, can test and provide feedback on
patches that have been contributed to Evergreen, can work on fixing bugs,
can confirm or comment upon newly created bugs, can work on documentation,
and, in the case of core committers, can merge bug fixes into the core
software. Please see the Bug Squashing wiki page for more information:

Kathy Lussier of MassLNC and Blake Henderson of Mobius have set up testing
sandboxes for everyone who has requested one. Much karma to you both!

If you didn't request a sandbox, you may test on your own servers, or work
on other activities such as confirming / updating other open bugs.

Feel free to log into the Evergreen IRC channel to chat with other bug
squashers throughout the day:

I will be keeping track of Bug Squashing Day statistics here (please let me
know if I overlook any of your activities):

Many thanks to all the volunteers who will be working today to improve

Terran McCanna
PINES Program Manager
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30345

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