All -

  We have set up a new permission group where we would like to combine the 
functions / permissions of the acquisitions and cataloging all into one.  So, I 
created a new permissions group, and added all the permissions to that new 
group that looked like it dealt with both acq and cat functions.  Then I 
assigned a new staff patron login to that permission group.

Here is where we are running into a problem.  NO MATTER what depth I have 
assigned at the permission group level for the 'update_volume' permission, it 
keeps getting 'downgraded' to the lowest depth at the user permission level.   
What is going on?  What am I missing?   This new staff person cannot make 
changes beyond the branch depth.  Why?

  What other factors affect the 'update_volume' permissions?  Are there some 
other permissions that work in tandem?

  BTW, I have already authorized this patron account to have working locations 
for the OU across the consortium / system / library depths.


Jennifer Walz, MLS - Head of ILS permissions
Kinlaw Library  - Asbury University
1 Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511 ext. 2269

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