Now I have another serials prediction question.  I've got a quarterly that has 
issue numbers but no volume numbers.  The issue numbers are continuous.  The 
Evergreen DokuWiki 
( provides a 
sample code for this pattern under Quarterly:  "Quarterly Increments 
continuously without Volume."  The code is:


I have tried using this code but it does not work.  The Issue number stays the 
same for 4 issues and only then increments, whereas the issue number should be 
incrementing by 1 for each issue.

I have tried creating my own patterns and have not been able to get them to 
work either.  They all have the same problem, where the issue number only 
increments after the fourth issue.  I also tried to insert the $u and $v 
information, but that had no effect either, probably because the MFHD standard 
says that they can't be used with the first level of enumeration.  However, the 
NASIGuide: Serial Holdings states that the top level is assumed to be 
continuously numbered.  If Evergreen were assuming the top level to be 
continuously numbered, I would expect the sample pattern code to work.

Does anyone have a pattern that works for a publication with no volume number, 
only issue numbers?  Or do we have to do a workaround using some dummy top 
level (which I would prefer not to do)?

[NC_State_Seal PMS 2955]Irene Patrick
Library & Information Management Systems Librarian
N.C. Government & Heritage Library
State Library of North Carolina
N.C. Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources
(919) 807-7413<>

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