Dear Evergreen friends,

Welcome to Evergreen 3.1!

As a first order of business as Release Manager for this release, I propose
the following as a base schedule.  This proposal is modeled heavily on the
successful schedule for 3.0, but getting us back within our typical time
frame (March release).  I intend to flesh out and fill in some more details
in the coming weeks.

TBD: Possible "fests"
Feb 9: 3.1 feature slush
Feb 23: 3.1 feature freeze and string slush
Feb 28: 3.1-beta release
Mar 21: 3.1.0 release candidate and string freeze
Mar 28: 3.1.0 RELEASE

To save us from repeated explanation, I have added some of the newer
release terminology to the main "versioning" page in the wiki, so if you
are unfamiliar with any of these terms, please consult the definitions

Second, I have also created the initial stub of a roadmap for 3.1; please
review and add your updates!  It is currently pre-populated with incomplete
items left over from the 3.0 roadmap, so we all have a second (or third, or
fourth...) chance to make good on prior promises and goals.  If you no
longer intend to complete your described development, or if you see
something there already done, please do remove it.  You can find the
roadmap here:

Thank you for your efforts, and feedback is always welcome!


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