Extremely eagle eyed wiki watchers may notice that a new page was just
created for the 2018 Hack-A-Way:

That's right, details are there!  Links are on the page but some of the
most pertinent information is that it will be November 5th - 7th and use a
meeting space at the Infinite Energy Forum in NE Atlanta.  Nearby hotels
are listed.  It's an excellent meeting site close enough to walk to hotels
and dining.  More details will come out as we get closer.  Minor things I
will simply post on the WIKI page but larger announcements will be posted
on the list and social media.   Feel free to go ahead and sign up on the
attendees page and if you're planning to attend and don't have a WIKI
account I'll be glad to add you.  Similarly, feel free to go ahead and add
topics of discussion to the agenda.

After some discussion and a resounding lack of objection (and quite a bit
of praise for the idea) we are going to go ahead and announce that the 2019
Hack-A-Way will be in Indiana again thanks to the gracious hosting of
Evergreen Indiana and the Indiana State Library.  Choosing them in advance
allows them to incorporate the event into their budget cycle.

In that spirit of choosing our locations far enough out to give hosts
plenty of time to plan I am also opening the floor to proposals to host the
2020 Hack-A-Way at this point.  All I need at this point is an informal
"we're interested." Right now Mobius has their hat in the ring and although
I'd love to see more of MO in fairness to everyone I'll keep informal
offers open until November 1st.  If more than one entity is interested in
hosting I will then ask everyone for more formal proposals and go through
the selection process.

If anyone has any questions, let me know.  Thanks!

Rogan Hamby, MLIS

Data and Project Analyst

Equinox Open Library Initiative

phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)

email:  ro...@equinoxinitiative.org
web:  http://EquinoxInitiative.org

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