On 08/16/2018 01:27 PM, JonGeorg SageLibrary wrote:
> It turned out one of the settings in the EJabberd yml config file was
> wrong which was preventing OpenSRF from initializing properly. I set it
> to plain for the passwords like the instructions
> [http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/install/OpenSRF/README_3_0_1.html]
> said and apparently it's supposed to be set to scram for OpenSRF 3+.

Um, no. That last statement is incorrect. OpenSRF cannot do SCRAM, but
SCRAM is now the default with ejabberd settings.  You have to change the
password back to plain text with all versions of OpenSRF.

> As far as forum, I just meant someone who's brain I could pick without
> posting every step through the Discussion Group.
> The issue with the test server is that the others back up to it, so I'm
> sure there is something there that I need. Regardless now that OpenSRF
> is working, I can proceed but will ask more questions if I run into any
> other surprises.

You can always just reinstall OpenSRF and Evergreen on top of an
existing installation. That is how upgrades are typically done.

I would also recommend using a virtual machine or a dedicated server for
testing. I would also recommend using your backup server strictly for
backups and not for any other purpose. I understand that budgets are
likely constrained, but you can test Evergreen on a rather minimal
hardware configuration. I typically use 4GB of RAM and 40GB of disk for
my test VMs where the database runs on another server, or if I am using
the test dataset.


> Thank you
> -Jon
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 4:11 AM, Jason Stephenson <ja...@sigio.com
> <mailto:ja...@sigio.com>> wrote:
>     JonGeorg,
>     If it's a test instance and you're installing fresh, just blow
>     everything out and start fresh. Depending on how far you are upgrading,
>     chances are good that you will need new configuration files anyway.
>     Also, what forum are you referring to?
>     Jason
>     On 08/15/2018 05:52 PM, JonGeorg SageLibrary wrote:
>     > Greetings, I'm working on a remote test server and it is giving me
>     > errors as I'm trying to get OpenSRF to upgrade. So far all the forum
>     > suggestions are unhelpful. Since it is a test server I'm tempted
>     to just
>     > wipe it all out and install fresh - what conf files are vital for
>     me to
>     > get first? I already grabbed backups of the ones I know about but my
>     > concern are the ones I don't know I need.
>     >
>     > What I would really like is someone's brain I can pick off the
>     listserv
>     > for ideas. 
>     > -Jon

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