On 19 Nov 2008 at 14:43, Bart Van Assche wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Ulrich Windl
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > maybe some of you like to know what I think to have found out:
> > The "HP EVA iSCSI connectivity" MPX 100 box seems to be an OEM version of 
> > the
> > Qlogic iSR6140 "Universal SAN Connectivity" (with different firmware 
> > however).
> Does this box have an Ethernet network interface ? If so, any idea
> whether this is a regular Ethernet network interface or a QLogic iSCSI
> HBA ? Looking at the first three bytes of the MAC address might reveal
> this (not sure about this).

Hi Bart,

I assume there are quite a few iSCSI boxes without Ethernet interfaces ;-)
The box has two Gb Ethernet interfaces that, AFAIK, have hardware acceleration 
iSCSI. (If you search the Internet for "Qlogic iSR6140 Universal SAN 
you may find the whitepaper that shows an image of the connectors of the box)

The access to the hardware is resticted, but having the facts that qlogic built 
the hardware for iSCSI, it's quite possible that they use their own hardware-
accelerated iSCSI HBAs. Will the MAC 00:C0:DD:0D:0C:8B uncover the secret?


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