On 31 Mar 2009 at 5:46, HIMANSHU wrote:

> "iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:d612b128bb59" this is my
> "initiatorname.iscsi".
> What the part after colon actually signifies and from where it comes?
> If I installed open-iscsi on different machine.then also I get the
> same number i.e "d612b128bb59" after colon.

For SLES10, a unique number is created during RPM installation. See page 33 of 
3720 ( Type "iqn." (iSCSI Qualified Name)):
The iSCSI qualified name string consists of:

- The string "iqn.", used to distinguish these names from "eui." formatted 

- A date code, in yyyy-mm format. This date MUST be a date during which the 
authority owned the domain name used in this format, and SHOULD be the first 
in which the domain name was owned by this naming authority at 00:01 GMT of the 
first day of the month. This date code uses the Gregorian calendar. All four 
digits in the year must be present. Both digits of the month must be present, 
January == "01" and December == "12". The dash must be included.  

- A dot "."

- The reversed domain name of the naming authority (person or organization) 
creating this iSCSI name.  

- An optional, colon (:) prefixed, string within the character set and length 
boundaries that the owner of the domain name deems appropriate. This may 
product types, serial numbers, host identifiers, or software keys (e.g., it may 
include colons to separate organization boundaries). With the exception of the 
colon prefix, the owner of the domain name can assign everything after the 
reversed domain name as desired. It is the responsibility of the entity that is 
the naming authority to ensure that the iSCSI names it assigns are worldwide 
unique. For example, "Example Storage Arrays, Inc.", might own the domain name 

> initiatorname is supposed to be unique?right?



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