
this is a bit off-topic, but esential: After experiencing a network failure for 
about four minutes, I was watching the syslog (the system had no problems so 

Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: sdc: tur checker reports path is up
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: 8:32: reinstated
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: L112_09: queue_if_no_path enabled
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: L112_09: Recovered to normal mode
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: L112_09: remaining active paths: 1
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: L112_09: switch to path group #2
Mar 30 15:24:33 testhost multipathd: L112_09: switch to path group #2

I'm surprised: I thought "queue_if_no_path" would be enabled if the device 
not if the device recovered!

The multipath configuration for the device looks like this:
        device {
                vendor "HP"
                product "HSV2.*"
                path_grouping_policy "group_by_prio"
                path_checker "tur"
                prio_callout "mpath_prio_alua /dev/%n"
                failback "immediate"
                #polling_interval 30
                no_path_retry 1000
                features "1 queue_if_no_path"

Does anbody have similar experience?


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