Thanks for the detailed response.

On Feb 27, 9:56 am, Mike Christie <> wrote:
> If you do not use ifaces, then IO will be routed based on the route
> table. So I think probably, IO would go through the same NIC on the
> server. Is this what you are seeing?

I actually don't have this environment setup yet. We're making a
change in our architecture and I want to make sure we're going to be
setting up the environment in a the best (highest availability, best
perf) way.

>If you wanted to use dm-multipath
> to round robin over both NICs on the linux server then you would use a
> ifaces to bind each session to each NIC.

Ok, good to know.

> With your setup you could also accomplish this by just putting one
> target and one server in one subnet and the other group in a different
> one. The linux networking routing will take care of everything for you.

I was initially thinking this was the only way to do this but then
noticed the ifaces option and wanted to make sure I fully understood
it. But if we can get away with not having to create another subnet
and change loads of servers to deal with it, it would be much easier.

> Are the two switches connected to each other?

Not sure, will have to check on this.

> If they were and you are
> using one subnet, you would have better redundancy. Above you have 2
> paths to the target, but if the switches are connected you have 4 paths.
> If the switches are not connected then if one switched dies you cannot
> access that target portal, and then if you got really unlucky and the
> other target portal died then you cannot access the target and you are
> out of luck. If OTOH the switches were connected then you could still
> access the other target portal with both server nics.
> > If not using ifaces and one of the switches or nics in the server go
> > down, will the multipathing know to switch to the other nic? even
> > though they are on the same subnet?
> The network layer should figure out there is another NIC that can be
> used and just use it. A problem might be while we are switching nics IO
> could time out and both paths could be down if they both ended up using
> the same nic due to the routing table. So you would want to setup
> dm-multipath with a higher no_path_retry, because when you switch over
> you might also have to relogin to the target through the new nic.
> If you used ifaces then the failover should be smoother. The other path
> would already be logged in, so dm-multipath could just restart the IO
> right away.

Thanks again, I appreciate the insight, this is what I needed to know.


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