On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 12:04 -0800, Mike Christie wrote:
> On 11/18/2010 01:55 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
> > On 11/18/2010 01:25 PM, Eddie Wai wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 2010-11-17 at 19:40 -0800, Mike Christie wrote:
> >>> On 11/10/2010 05:04 PM, Eddie Wai wrote:
> >>>> In the case the chip is undergoing different invasive operation
> >>>> which requires a chip reset, all NOPOUT request during this period
> >>>
> >>> For these invasive operations that reset the chip, do we always end up
> >>> having to relogin the connection/session or once the reset is done are
> >>> we able to just go on happily like nothing ever happened?
> >> Operations like mtu change/ifupdown/etc will require the chip to undergo
> >> reset. Prior to this, the connections will be cleaned up via the
> >> conn_failure->ep_disconnect path and eventually put into the reopen
> >> recovery path. During this period, we must disallow any send pdu
> >> requests to be queued to the chip for a more immediately connection tear
> >> down time (so we don't have to wait for the pdu's completion).
> >>
> >> We had to treat NOPOUT requests differently as the routine in libiscsi
> >> would continuously loop until the NOPOUT send request returns with
> >> success. This is the why we added the NOPOUT workaround.
> >
> > At this time, have you already called iscsi_conn or session failure? If
> > so then I think it sounds like there is bug in iscsi_send_nopout or
> > __iscsi_conn_send_pdu. If the conn/session has been failed, I think we
> > want to add a check in __iscsi_conn_send_pdu where if the conn/session
> > is down then we do not send NOPs. There is no point iSCSI RFC wise and
> > it screws up drivers.
> We actually have a check in __iscsi_conn_send_pdu. There is the 
> session->state == ISCSI_STATE_LOGGED_IN, so I guess you have not called 
> one of the iscsi failure functions.
The check is correct, but its just that the conn failures were not being
called prior to these inflight send_pdu calls.  We want to terminate
these calls immediately before they get queued up to the chip.

As for the NOPOUT requests, since the NOPOUT send request failed, the
last_ping jiffies count would not get updated.  Then the
iscsi_check_transport_timeouts callback will just keeps getting called
and stalling the system.

Perhaps a better way to do this is to allow the last_ping jiffies to be
updated but use a different ping_timeout value for failed nopout ping

> At this time, is just the apdater_state getting changed? What code path 
> is that?
> Maybe related... For bnx2i_get_link_state ADAPTER_STATE_LINK_DOWN, I 
> think you will want to call the iscsi_suspend_queue function discussed 
> in the other mail. When the link state comes back up though, do we 
> always have to reconnect and relogin to the target or are their cases 
> where we can just restart the queues?

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