On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 09:50:17PM PDT, Mike Christie spake thusly:
> I have not run tgtadm manually for a while but I think you need to also set 
> the ACL for that target?

I never had to do anything along these lines for the other targets I have set 

> If you just add the targets and luns to /etc/tgt/targets.conf then run
> service tgtd start does it work? I think the default for that is to just
> allow any initiator to login without chap so that should work.

For a while I was confused as to the difference between tgt-admin and tgtadm.
I'm surprised such confusing names were chosen. Just to make sure I've got it
straight: tgtadm manually sets up the targets and LUNs and tgt-admin
reads/writes the targets.conf config file. The iSCSI HOWTO's for CentOS that I
have found all seem to use tgtadm to set things up manually so that is what I
have been doing. Since I have recently found out about tgt-admin I have been
doing tgt-admin --dump on my iSCSI target machines so I can write out the
targets.conf to persist the configs. But when I do tgt-admin --dump I get no
output. As if it has nothing configured. But if I do:

tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show

I get output as described before showing that targets and LUNs are configured.
So...I'm not sure what is going on here.

How are target and LUN numbers assigned in targets.conf? I don't see any
assigned. I have a feeling they are assigned by order in the config file but
that seems risky as you could add a line or stanza and cause everything to

One thing I'm wondering about is if it is necessary to have all of the targets
assigned sequentially and for the targets to all have LUNs on them. For example
I have target 1 with LUN1 then I have targets 2 and 3 with no LUNs and then
target 4 with the LUN that I am trying to discover. The fact that targets 2,3
don't have any LUNs doesn't matter does it?


Tracy Reed

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