Hi guys, im new to the list, and i apologise in advance to write this, but 
i've been reading a lot and i dont seem to find an answer to an specific 
question i have.

We are using Netapp to deploy nova volume to our openstack KVM instances, 
this means :

#1 We have lots of phisical servers running kvm virtual instances
#2 this physical servers connect against our netapp appliances through iSCSI
#3 we attach this iscsi sessions to the instances for them to see it as a 
new block device ( the instances dont see it as an scsi session, just the 
phisical server )

The thing is, we want to be able to handle a 1 minute disconnection caused 
either by a storage reboot or a network outage ( both, no more than a 
minute o minute and a half )
What i want to understand and i dont seem to ( again, sorry ) is ...

#1 what parameter/s to touch from the open-iscsi config on the physical 
host to handle that amount of time the dissconection
#2 in the mean time, supposing i've touched thos parameters, all the data 
that needs to be writen and wont, were is it cached on the physical server 
side? in ram ? in our local disk ?
#3 and those retries, i imagine i will see exactly the same in the physical 
and virtual side, are reflected till the connection is reestablished, as 
I/O wait just increasing, and CPU waiting for the write to finish ?

Hope i made myself clear, and sorri if all my questions were answered and i 
wasnt able to find it.
I'll wait for all your help to understand a little more.

Thank you very much.

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